GreenIron delivers furnaces to Chile
Today it becomes official that GreenIron and GeoMinco have entered into a MOU about delivering a number of GreenIrons furnaces.
GeoMinco is a Chilean family-owned mining group operating in northern Chile. The company’s portfolio includes materials such as iron ore and copper. The intention of the collaboration is that GreenIron’s green technology will enable GeoMinco´s transition to global net-zero production.
“With the help of solar power, we have been able to reduce CO2 by more than 37% compared to normal mining. The emissions come mainly from the processing of our iron and copper ore. When we have implemented the technologies from GreenIron in 2025 we will be able to reduce up to 80-90% of the emissions of CO2”, says Jorge Orellana, CEO, founder and owner of GeoMinco.
“It is satisfying that we will commence this cooperation in Chile with Geominco. This will enable Geominco to deliver fossil-free materials and make a difference. We look forward to seeing the impact of our process on the mining industry in northern Chile”, says Edward Murray, CEO of GreenIron.
For us at GreenIron, this is an important step towards fulfilling our vision: to become the global metals and mining sectors most respected and innovative CO2-free company. By leading our industry´s transformation from a linear to a circular economy.