Productive consultation meeting in Sandviken
Ulrika Molander, Chief Operating Officer, GreenIron
Earlier this week, we held a consultation meeting in Sandbacka Science Park, aimed at the public in Sandviken, ahead of the establishment of GreenIron’s first full-scale production facility in Sandviken’s industrial park.
The purpose of the meeting was partly to inform about the project, partly to give the residents of Sandviken the opportunity to ask questions to various representatives and express their views on the consequences of the planned activities.
GreenIron’s COO, Ulrika Molander, informed, among other things, about the company’s carbon dioxide-free and energy-efficient technology, the environmental investigations that have been carried out and why Sandviken was chosen in particular.
Emma Jansson, Environmental Consultant, Marklund Solution
The meeting was deservedly led by environmental consultant Emma Jansson, Marklund Solutions, who focuses on helping companies to contribute to sustainable development in the environment and energy field.
To the right: Per-Erik Spovmark, Hydrogen Expert, Statkraft
During the evening, many constructive questions were asked from the engaged audience, which led to several fruitful discussions. Unsurprisingly, the interest was great in how the handling of hydrogen will take place. Statkraft’s hydrogen expert Per-Erik Spovmark talked about how we have ensured that the system will remain tight during the entire process.
Maciej Kaplan informed about GreenIron’s test facility in Kumla and CFO Jonas Christoffersson about the business’s benefits for Sandviken.
The next step will now be to submit an environmental application to the Land and Environmental Court during the month of June. The start of construction is planned for the winter of 2023/2024.